Today's Comic - Wednesday, January 2, 2002
The holiday doodles continue with this, a little
doodle reenactment of an actual convo my sister Vern had with my mom one
evening after she came home from work. As shown in the doodle, she basically
just walked in the living room to find my mom and a friend (who has now been positively
identified as her buddy Rosa) completely sloshed out of their minds on
red wine. My sis laughed at my mom's slurred greeting, and remarked at
their drunkenness, to which my mom honestly replied exactly as depicted
in the doodle -- "Thash's hsimposshible, Verrrn! I onllly hadjsh TWO glasshes
These glasses can hold half a liter of wine. I measured. They are
quite honestly the Claymores of the wine glass family -- huge, unweildy,
and can pack lot of punch. Well, that is, if you prefer punch
over red wine.
Now if only I could find me a nice 60oz beer mug, I'd be as
set as my mom. Oh wait. They call those pitchers.
Carry on.