Naught Framed!!!

hwelc gist sciepemannas rĉd ŝis biŝ?

(June 30, 2003) It has just recently been brought to my attention that some readers only see the dreaded 'Red X' instead of my comic when they visit.

After doing a bit of digging around, I've found out that the Keenspace Admins have been fiddling around with the servers and settings, and have apparently decided to set it in such a way so that people with firewalls (particularly Norton Firewalls) CAN'T download any image files by default. Why they did this, and why I never heard about it before NOW is beyond me. But that's another beef for another time.

To fix this, Debra "Polarbee" Williamson was kind enough to let me know that there is a fairly easy way to correct the problem with Norton Firewall for this comic, and for any other Keenspace favorite you can't see.

Here's Debra's recipe for comic-seeing goodness, if you use Norton firewall:

1. Open "Norton Personal Firewall" and click "Options" on the main screen.
2. Click the "Advanced Options ..." button in the dialog box that appears.
3. Click the "Add Site" button in the "Advanced Options" window.
4. Type in the "New Site/Domain" dialog box, then click the "OK" button.
5. Select "" in the list of domains in the left pane, and set the options as indicated:
  * Check the box "Use these options for"
  * Select "Permit" under "Referer"
6. Click "OK" to save your changes and close this window.
7. Click "OK" again to close the "Advanced Personal Firewall Options" window.
8. Exit Norton Personal Firewall.
9. Either hit Refresh or completely restart your browser window.

Wow, but ain't that great? Thanks so much, Debra! ^_^

(back to Naught-Framed!!!)