It's come to my attention that webcomics have very few actual critics or reviewers.
Recently, I got into a little tirade with someone over what a good review should be, and it
suddenly came to me: I should put my money where my mouth is... so, LO! This page was born.
You're not gonna get any unexplained "I like it"s or "I don't like it"s here, folks. Me,
I like to elaborate *why* I like/hate stuff, so that you readers actually get something useful
from my (hopefully) well-informed opinons and observations.
Last warning: Don't read these if you're looking for me to play "Mr. Witty" or "Trash 'em
up derby". I'm gonna be fair, but I'm also gonna be honest. I'm writing these 'cause i LOVE
webcomics, and I want all you people to be able to find the good stuff, as well as stay away from
the bad. And to ensure that I'm not just making this a "praise fest", for the first few months, I'm
only going to review webcomics that I *don't* already read, picked pretty much at random. This way,
anything can happen, and as a bonus to me, I get to find more new stuff to look at!
And with that, don't just sit there gawkin'! Check out my reviews, baby!